Central Florida Presbycast

Rev. Rosemary Mitchell on Faithful Gifting and Thanksgiving

Jody Mask Season 1 Episode 5

Cheryl shared CFP news:

  • CFP is searching for a Coordinator of Youth and Collegiate Ministries. Link to complete position description
    • The primary task is to work with the Leadership Development Committee to assist the Presbytery in carrying out its mission, strategy and program in the areas of
      youth and collegiate ministries. This includes providing leadership development for the Presbytery Youth Council, made up of high school students from presbytery churches who plan and do four events each year for middle and high school youth. The Coordinator will also oversee the presbytery's trip to the Montreat Collegiate Conference each year and Presbyterian Youth Triennium every three years.
    • Apply with a cover letter and resume to Cheryl Carson, Associate Executive Presbyter, Central Florida Presbytery, 3101 Maguire Boulevard, Ste. 244, Orlando, FL 32803 by Thursday, December 31st.
  • CFP invites families to join them for a virtual VBS called "Journeys with Jesus" over the Christmas holiday. Find out all about it here.
  • Based on the success of Fresh Ideas Start Here (FISH)  being presented online, the Church Officer and Leader Education (COLE) event will be virtual in 2021. The EQUIP webpage will have a list of workshops soon.
  • The next CFP Book Club selection is Adam Hamilton's Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas. Thursday, January 7 at 1:30 p.m. (likely via Zoom).
  • The prayer group for congregational vitality has been so enriching for participants that it will continue to meet after its appointed season! Next meeting is Monday, December 21 at 11:30 a.m. via Zoom.

Our guest was Rev. Rosemary Mitchell, who was the plenary speaker at our December meeting of Central Florida Presbytery. She offered a workshop the following day. Find links to both here. We learned about Rosemary's path in and out of church service, and how her work in other nonprofit fundraising contexts informed her work for the Presbyterian Mission Agency today.

In addition, Rosemary shared two videos demonstrating the power of per capita and shared giving in the PC(USA). And she recalled the power of the Stewardship Kaleidoscope Conference, especially Chick Lane's plenary presentations in 2018.