Central Florida Presbycast
Central Florida Presbycast
Bruce Reyes-Chow on Kindness and "Moderation"
After the CFP update, Cheryl and Jody chat with Bruce Reyes-Chow, who currently pastors at First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto, CA. Bruce was our guest at the March 2022 stated meeting of CFP to help us with one of the seven marks of vital congregations: "intentional authentic evangelism." In this Lucky 13th episode, we talk with Bruce about what it really means to be kind. Then we go behind the scenes at General Assembly meetings in the Before Times, where former moderators had their own dinners together (whaaaat?)
- BRC's plenary on Reimagined Spaces...
- ...and his workshop on kindness...
- ...related to his latest book: In Defense of Kindness, which you can find here
- Of course, Bruce has his own podcast called BRC & Friends...
- ...and did we mention he is also a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach?
Our offering at the March meeting supports The Bail Project of Orange and Osceola Counties. Donate here.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has a fund to support emergency humanitarian aid for Ukraine (such as food items, shelter, medicines, diapers, hygiene items, etc.) Go to DR000156 or text PDAUKR to 41444